
Cougars is a Chicago-based rock band formed in 2000.

The band signed to the New York-based label Go-Kart Records in 2003 and embarked on several extensive US and European tours. Cougars' music is often compared to that of The Jesus Lizard and Rocket from the Crypt. The band avoids categorizing themselves in interviews; they've claimed to be simply "a rock band with horns" and "a rock band making rock music."

In 2007, the band parted ways with saxophonist Jeff Vidmont and trumpet player Mark Beening. In 2008, it parted ways with keyboardist Sam Ambrosini.

The band dicked around through most of the 2010's, continuing to write and play sporadic shows in Chicago.

In 2022, the band parted ways with guitarist Brett Meingasner. To maintain its trademark brand of two-guitar whoopass, Bienias moved from bass to guitar and Cougars added veteran Chicago rock god and all-around gentleman, Fred Popolo (former Haymarket Riot), on bass.

The reconsituted five-piece (no more keyboards or horn section) opted to stop dicking around and, in early 2023, began recording its third-full length album with engineer Shane Hochstetler at Electrical Audio in Chicago, Illinois and Howl Street Recording in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Several rough mixes ended up in the hands of Justin Nardy, owner of Expert Work Records from Columbia, Missouri, who experienced instachubbs and agreed to sign the band.

On August 4, 2023, the band officially released its long awaited third LP, "Cougs."
